Only for those students who have enough awarded and accepted financial aid to cover their semester balances-or- those who have submitted documentation for an approved third party billing contract before the payment deadline will the hold be released. Please note, if a third-party contract or pending aid will not cover your entire balance, you must also pay the anticipated difference by the payment deadline. For all other students who receive a financial hold on their account, the balance must be under $200.00, no exceptions. should always contain the student’s full name and Howard University student identification number. The mailing address is:
Howard University
Office of the Bursar
2400 6th Street N.W. Suite 218
Washington, D.C. 20059
Follow these steps:
Please note: Payment plans are available through Howard University ONLY for the current academic year and within the open enrollment period, no exceptions.
For more information, please visit the Payment Plans page -
Howard University offers tuition rebates to qualified graduates for up to half of their tuition costs that were paid out-of-pocket for the Spring 2025 semester. The Tuition Rebate Program provides a great incentive for students to complete degree requirements and graduate on time.
Below are the eligibility requirements for the University’s 2025 Tuition Rebate Program:
An evaluation will be performed during the first week of June for 2025 graduates (Fall 2021 cohort). Please be advised that students who qualify for the Tuition Rebate will be directly notified via email (there is no application process for the Tuition Rebate Program). Once the Office of the Bursar has determined the eligible students, their information will be forwarded to the Office of Financial Aid for coding before the Bursar’s office processes the rebate to student accounts.
1. What is the Financial Agreement?
The Student Financial Responsibility Agreement (herein referred to simply as agreement) informs students of the financial responsibilities associated with enrolling for classes at Howard University and explains the potential consequences if a student fails to meet those obligations. It is part of the “Check-in” process.
2. Why do I have to acknowledge and sign the Agreement?
Our goal is to help our students understand the cost of their education and the financial policies associated with their enrollment at Howard University. This agreement, in conjunction with our website, letters and other documentation, helps define the University’s expectations for payment, and allows us to clearly inform students of our policies related to billing, late payment penalties, contact methods, etc.
3. How often do I need to sign and complete the agreement?
Students will be asked to complete the Agreement each semester throughout their academic career at Howard University. (i.e. Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional, etc.)
4. Howard quickly can I register after completing the Agreement?
Assumingly all other requirements have been satisfied and no HOLDS are on your account, then the completion of the agreement (Check-in process) will lift the related hold immediately and you will be able to proceed with enrollment.
5. What happens if I refuse to sign?
The agreement serves as notification of potential consequences of non-payment, and to provide vital account information. If a student chooses not to complete the Agreement, they will not be permitted to register for classes until the issue is resolved.