Nonprofit Board Policies & Procedures

Behind every successful nonprofit organization is a Board of Directors that implements and follows best practice policies and procedures. Such policies help to ensure that the Board remains aware of the status of the organization, creates accountability, and helps the Board make unbiased decisions in the best interests of the organization. Outlined below are some practices and key policies that every organization’s Board should consider implementing. It is important to note that effective January 1, 2017 an employee of an organization cannot also function as the “chair” of its Board. Employees can still be on the Board, but this is no longer considered best practice. The actual functions of the Board position, not the title itself (chair, president, etc.), is most relevant.

Other policies and procedures to consider, which apply to specific organizations, are outlined below.

All policies should be reviewed by legal counsel before implementing them. Otherwise, you may be opening your organization and Board of Directors to potential, unintended liabilities.